post-mardi gras exhale

it was a long carnival season, y’all! but mardi gras has now come and gone and it’s back to real life, which for me is all about work, a new cat in my house, and gearing up for cvp once again.

briefly, the last few weeks of carnival were exhausting because of so many parades and social obligations and fretting about a costume. but it was also fun seeing so many creative parades, hanging with all manner of friends, and making my very diy costume. my group’s theme this year was flora and fauna and since others went with flora, i decided i needed to be fauna. what better fauna than a unicorn? an anti-fascist unicorn, that is!

photos by Karen Ocker

the week before mardi gras (why did i think that was a good time?) i brought home a new cat. i am technically fostering from zeus’ rescues, because i wanted to be sure she’d be a good fit, but i’ve pretty quickly fallen in love and am fairly sure i’m gonna adopt her. her name is lily and she’s the sweetest and sassiest little black cat ever!

she’s gotten into some mischief in my house and managed to injure herself already – somehow burnt her lip and then scratched at it making it worse – but other than that she’s been the perfect cat in her time here. i want to get her a friend eventually but after she heals up.

and then there’s cvp. as i previously noted in prior blog entries, i’ve signed up for my second year and it gets going on march 20th. this past week was the free workshop that is always the lead-in to cvp every year. i wasn’t able to really participate in it live but i’m gonna go back through the videos this weekend because it’s a good way to get ready for cvp and it’s just fun. and i need a little help getting going again in the studio. if you missed the free workshop (yes it’s really free) and still want to watch all the video lessons and live calls, you can still do it until march 12th. sign up here and you’ll get all the info.

or if you were like me and put off taking cvp year after year but know that THIS is finally the year you need to do it, now is the time to register! there will be live calls every afternoon probably from now until next tuesday or wednesday when the enrollment window ends to try to convince you to sign up but if you already know you want to take it, please use my link so i can get credit for it as it’ll help me pay for my second year of cvp. (thanks!)

and if you’re on the fence and just want someone to talk it over with or have questions, i’d be happy to talk, text, chat, email, whatever. comment here or send me an email. i won’t give you a hard sell, just my honest opinions of how it went for me. promise. (i am not one of those brilliant instant success stories that art2life likes to use to illustrate why you should take cvp, but i still found it valuable and worth the financial risk/investment and am back again for a second year.)

i’m excited to be doing it again even though i question my ability to really keep up with it cuz spring in new orleans is busy and i already have one trip planned. but for no other reason than it energizes me and gets me excited about being in the studio, it’s worth it. plus i’m hoping to be more active in the community this time and meet more people. i’ve made some great online friends via the different art classes i’ve taken over the years and it’s nice having fellow/sister travellers on my art journey.

ok, that’s all for now. i’m sure i’ll have more babbling about art and cvp in the near future. thanks for reading!